Sunday, June 8, 2014

Journey 4: Aheville, NC/Richmond. VA/ Baltimore, MD

Merry meet friends….

Michelle here bringing lots of love and light!

When I attended the Herbal Immersion last week, there were two other women of color there.  Both of them have beautiful locks and started them themselves.  I have decided that I want to lock my hair because I will be traveling and don’t want to spend the time, energy or money on it.  Both of them suggested that I start with braids and not twists due to the soft texture of my hair.  I started braiding my hair in the back but didn’t finish.  So on Wednesday afternoon I told one of them that my braids weren’t staying together.  She got up and began to re braid my hair.  When the other saw that, she started new braids on the side of my head.  They didn’t get to finish because the afternoon session was starting.  I can’t explain it but I felt something ancient and ancestral as they braided.  I was being attended to as an elder Crone.

The word “crone” has had a negative connotation in our society:

“Crone is not the disregarded old hag that is defined by Webster but rather as the fulfillment of female life experiences and wisdom.”

” When we first hear the word “Crone” we cringe.  Dreadful images appear before us, some not so flattering but as we continue to explore the true meaning of this word we find ourselves captivated by the meaning it extends to us.   The word Crone is derived from the Tradition of the Triple Goddess depicting the 3 stages of a woman’s development…birth: innocent, virginal; maiden: wife, mother, and finally elder: wise-woman, crone.  The Crone is a being of age old wisdom and was widely recognized for her wisdom, knowledge and spirituality.  At the time of menopause, it is said that she herself can partake of its Wisdom.  In many older cultures she became known as crone or hag, words whose original meaning meant “wise one”, revered elder of the circle.” … From Crone, Wise Women, Elders

On Tuesday evening when we had our youngest to elder sharing, we sat in a circle as we always did, but in that order.  I was the next to the eldest there but the eldest woman of color.  When it was my turn to share I mentioned that in listening to them share, I knew that we were all on a journey; a journey of self-discovery, and no matter the age, we would always be on one. 

On Friday, the last day of the Immersion, as we formed a circle outside in nature, we were sage smudged by Jackie.  When she got to me, as she turned me around to sage the back, she uttered the words “wisdom keeper”.  It went through me like electricity.  I felt it all over and I accepted her proclamation over me.  I AM a Crone, a Wise Woman and an Elder.  I am honored to have gone through all of the stages of womanhood and the life experiences to have this title bestowed upon me.  After the smudging we called in the ancestors from the four directions, we sang a song acknowledging each other as Goddesses in a dance, individually we were sung to by the group calling us by name, then we closed the circle (closed but never broken). 

I went into Asheville with the women who braided my hair to look around and spend more time together before they left for Charlotte where one was catching the bus.  When the two sisters left me in Asheville, I sat in the car trying to hear Spirit to determine where to stay.  I felt that I was supposed to stay in Asheville for a couple of weeks.  I also felt that someone at the immersion might have known of someplace to stay so I didn’t inquire into anything.  There is a hostel called Sweet Pea in Asheville that is very inexpensive but I had been told by someone that it was more than I wanted to pay.  When I called I found out the rates, which were good, but they were booked and so was the other hostel.  I decided to get something to eat at the vegetarian restaurant.  When I finished the waiter said come back.  I told him I wasn’t from there and was actually looking for a place to stay.  He gave me a website called “airbnb”.  It lists people who have opened their homes to host people for a minimum of two nights.  So naturally I felt that Spirit had led me to the restaurant.

I downloaded the website.  I found several inexpensive places but all of them were booked for the two nights, Friday and Saturday.  Finally I found one available for two nights and lo and behold, it was an intentional community in West Asheville and the woman was also a member of Earthaven!  I immediately requested a booking at 7pm.  By 8pm I had not heard from her so I went to a store to use the bathroom.  I thought the store was open all night and decided I was going to sleep in the car.  The store closed at 9pm and it started to rain.  The woman sent a text around 9 and said she wouldn’t be in town but for me to enjoy.  I wasn’t sure if she was saying I could stay without her there or not because others were in the house.  I sent another text and waited.  In the meantime I decided to go to the community so that if she called, I would be there. This car has lights that come on automatically but I couldn’t see so I cut on the other lights.  I arrived in the community and waited.  By 10pm I had not heard anything and so I started checking motels in the area.  I finally found a Motel 6 with a vacancy.  The car would not start!  I had forgotten to turn off the lights and it drained the battery.

I called roadside assistance and could not get through.  A young man was walking his dog and I asked if he knew someone with jumper cables.  He said he had some and would return.  I called my friend Celeste to stay with me on the phone.  It is a safe neighborhood and he looked safe enough but so did Ted Bundy.  He returned and gave me a jump.  The car didn’t initially start but it did after a few moments.  I thanked him and Celeste and drove to the motel.  I decided to stay for two nights in order to hear Spirit.  When I went to the room, I didn’t like the location because it was on the end and I couldn’t park the car in front of it.  I called and requested another room and was told they were booked.  Mind you, I had been told earlier that I didn’t need a reservation because there were plenty of rooms.  I asked if I could switch the next day and was told yes.  I inserted the key in the lock and it didn’t work, not once, but three times.  On the third try a man shouted from the room, “What’s going on?”  I apologized and went back to the office.  I was told a room had just become available.  I said so if one had not, I’d be out of luck, I guess.  SMH.  The key worked this time and I was able to relax.

I sat and talked with Spirit about this entire situation.  I’m on a Spirit led journey and I’m to hear what to do and where to go.  My lesson in this is, yes listen to and for Spirit about where to go but once known, see what places are in the area to stay.  I was so convinced someone at the immersion would give me a lead in Asheville that I did not follow through on a place.  I am too much with my thinking.  What a way to  learn a lesson!  The next day in talking with my friend, Millie, I said I wasn’t sure where I was going but I needed to handle the car registration, inspection and why it was losing water.  On that call I decided clearly (duh) that I needed to come back to Richmond to handle business.  In talking to my sister, Net, it was suggested that I get a refund on the second night and leave that day. I took her suggestion.  I was going into downtown Asheville to “The Green Sage” restaurant which I like.  On the way from the motel, I got turned around and pulled over to check the GPS.  I looked up and I saw a restaurant.  I thought to myself, you’re on an adventure, do something different.  I ate there, enjoyed it and the quaint part of Asheville, which I hadn’t seen before. 

I drove 6 hours nonstop because I hate to stop unless I have to do so.  I’ve now taken care of the registration.  When I returned to Earthaven from Greensboro at Easter, it was dark, no pitch black, when I arrived.  Someone was in the parking space that I normally used.  It was too dark and I was without my flashlight, so I couldn’t park where most people do.  I decided to go into the driveway.  Whether it was my eyesight, the darkness or the gate not being fully opened or all three, I do not know but I tore the passenger side mirror off of the car!  The car couldn’t be inspected without it.  I found a mirror for $45 after being told by repair shop it would cost $90 and my estranged husband put it on saving a labor cost. I can get it inspected now but still don’t know why it’s losing water though.

My friend Octavia’s birthday was Friday, June 6 and she was celebrating by attending the Capital Area Jazz festival in Maryland and we both wanted me to go.  It worked out that I was able to go (thanks Laurie and others).  We had a great time and I’m happy I went because I’m westward bound next and I have no idea when I will see Richmond again.  I’m back in VA to get the car inspected.  If I don’t go to NY this weekend to see my step son and grandchildren, I’ll be heading out soon for New Mexico with stops along the way. I have heard New Mexico in my spirit since 2007.  I think it’s time for me to see why.

Until next Sunday……..Merry part and merry meet again.

Gypsi Mama Michelle



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hola.....

    Big week for you. Be safe out there...and stay blessed. It's definetly a journey leading to something very important to you.

    The Earthaven woman from west Asheville was a coincidence. And it's good that your trying new and random establishments. For some reason we always remember a good meal, from a random restaraunt. Hope you keep notes of the names of the establishment, for future reminiscent times. ;-)

    Stay blessed!


  3. So Michelle, I just had a birthday, so I guess I am a,no

    Missy, you didn't tell me about the nighttime adventure!

  4. You will eventually be a Crone and proud of it, Miss Octavia! Right about the dancing. One of the women said when we were walking up and down the hills, Michelle sometimes needed help but when we put the dance music on and played the wobble, she became a different woman. LOL Oh and if I tell everything I won't have anything to write.

  5. " was to dark and you were without your flashlight" huh? Is this deja vu Betty Brown? Let me know when you start pointing the flashlight AT people so I'll know that you have truly become your grandmother :-)

    Stay safe where ever...

    Much love

    1. LOL Debbie. At Earthaven we HAD to have a flashlight or head light. I have three but the one in the car had run down, I couldn't find one and one was in my room. AND I did shine the flashlight at people in Earthaven. Hey I couldn't see. Just keep on living, Darlin' (Mack Brown)

  6. LOL back at ya. You know the Golden Sisters think LOL means "lots of love" darlin.
