Merry meet
here, bringing lots of love and light!
day I think about it, then at night I say it.
did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing?
have no idea.My souls is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that,
And I intend to end up there.
This drunkenness began in some other tavern,
I get back to that place,
be completely sober. Meanwhile,
like a bird from another continent, sitting in this aviary.
day is coming when I fly off,
who is it now in my ear who hears my voice?
says words with my mouth?
looks out with my eyes? What is the soul?
cannot stop asking.
I could taste one sip of an answer”-----Rumi
Satchidananda has a book entitled Know
Thyself. There is a chapter in the
book which speaks of “following the “I”.
He is talking about asking yourself the questions that Rumi is asking:
Who is the one doing the thinking, who is saying, “who is?”, etc. Satchidananda says that we all have a knower;
one behind the eyes, ears, mouth, etc., who is the silent witness. Once after reading that chapter, I followed
the “I”. I was sitting in a chair asking
myself those questions. Before I knew
it, my consciousness had expanded and although my body was sitting in the room,
my consciousness was the room. I felt that it could have expanded to the
house, outside, and beyond but I became fearful.
read about Shamanic experiences and how sometimes they could not get back to
their bodies, I became afraid and my consciousness was once again limited. This was not an out of body experience, I
have had that before. I would not have
gotten lost outside of my body. But
because I had never experienced this
before, I didn’t know what to expect. I
now know that it was an expansion of consciousness. I have tried several times to have that
expansion again but to no avail. Peter
walked on water following the command of Jesus but once he allowed fear to take
hold, it was over. Fear is crippling.
the Christian world, I have been told by a prophet that I too am a
prophet. Reading The Elijah Task confirmed it.
A prophet is one who having heard GOD, speaks to the people for GOD or
by divine inspiration. A prophet sees
and feels things, events, etc. before they happen; not always though. In the metaphysical world, I’ve been told
that I am a “seer” and an intuitive. Intuitive: having the ability to know or
understand things without any proof or evidence; having or characterized by
intuition. I sense and feel things before
they happen. These are different words
in different worlds, having the same meaning.
I bring this up because I have been writing about being restless and
waiting for something. My friend and
fellow OSIS graduate and minister, Rev. Sonya Brown sent me an article. She sent it because of a conversation we had
and because of the restlessness.
said that I am “highly tuned in” so it seems I often get “it” early and that I
get the “divine buzz” when there are
major transits. The article is about
some eclipses we are headed into. Sonya
feels that I am “feeling” these shifts early.
I do agree with that. I shared
with Sonya that I know I sense things before they happen sometimes or just
in general.
However, I don’t always know that what I’m feeling or sensing is due to
a planetary shift. I would never have
attributed my restlessness to that.
Maybe every time that I’m restless, it’s not due to that but it does
make sense to me and explains a lot.
and by lately I mean for the past six months, but in reality all of my life,
I've been feeling as if I don’t fit in anywhere or as if I don’t belong. Is this due to some planetary shifts at my
birth? I probably need to look into
that. As stated in the above poem by
Rumi: “My soul is from elsewhere, I’m
sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” I am a Sagittarius, with a Gemini moon and
Scorpio rising. That means a lot of
different things but short version: I love freedom, learning, traveling,
communication and mysteries. I guess I
can see how that might play into
restlessness and feeling as if I don’t belong anywhere. To a wanderer the entire universe is our home;
one place doesn’t do it for me, for long.
definition for wanderer is, a person who travels aimlessly; a traveler. Another definition says, itinerant people,
who wander from place to place with no permanent home, or are vagrant. Definitions make it sound so negative but it
isn’t to me.. Wanderers may not know
where they’re going initially but they know the place to stop and stay awhile when
happened upon. “We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where
we have ended another day; and no sunrise
finds us where sunset left us.”--Khalil Gibran, The Prophet. The wanderer is
always seeking, always searching, so naturally she doesn’t wish to stay
anywhere for so long or form too many attachments.
I think that’s
why marriage is something I never really wanted as a child or teen. My sister did though. She was always reading
bridal magazines. I never, let me repeat
that, never thought that I would be married twice. I know that women, at least
in my generation, were expected to get married and raise children. Not so much today, maybe; expectation wise, I
mean. I believe, in fact I know, that I
am too free spirited to want to be tied down for too long. I am loyal when I love and respect someone
but my interests are so varied that unless someone keeps me intellectually
challenged, the bloom will be off the proverbial rose. I suppose that could make for a lonely
existence as one gets older; maybe, maybe not.
Of Life And Love
through the roads of life
to find someone
make us happy
make us feel worthwhile
give us importanceWhen all along the worthiness is inside of us
The joy, the peace, the happiness, the love
All inside waiting
Waiting to burst through the walls
We’ve built around ourselves,
To insulate us from the pain of
Loving and hurting and living
What a paradox!
LaForest Roberts
17, 1997
I’ve been asking questions about who I am and what my
purpose is for such a long time. As I’ve said before, we are constantly
becoming ourselves, so even if we know who we are at some stage of our lives,
as we evolve, we aren’t always sure anymore.
We try different things on for size to see if they fit this person we
see now. Some things resonate and some
don’t and that’s ok. Although we are all
one, we are each different expressions of the
ONE. There are so many parts to us that
we don’t see or know.
Sometimes I have dreams about a house. It’s my house but as dreams go, it doesn’t
always look like the one we’re in, but we know it’s ours. As I walk through the rooms of the house, I
sometimes notice rooms that I had not seen before. Sometimes the rooms are in a basement,
sometimes an attic or just another part of the house. They are always beautifully decorated and
have my favorite things in them.
However, the rooms had not been noticed before and weren’t being used. I’m always so amazed at what I find in the
rooms and I wonder why I hadn’t ever seen them; especially since they’re in my
I think that the dream is about me. I am the house and the rooms are parts of me
that I have yet to discover. Whenever I
see these rooms, I want to linger there because they’re new and exciting and
me! This is how I feel about the
rooms/undiscovered parts of me:
Buried Treasure
are you?” was the question that myself asked me“Are you completely finished or is there more to be?”
always so much more to you, than just what meets the eye.
and unexplored is how most of you die.
taking, never making, time to just know “self”;
in a never ending spiral while obtaining wealth.
the riches one can find while examining
inner workings of the soul shroud in mystery.
is only that as long as it’s not known
what is buried and a treasure is what’s shown.
treasure in all the world unequaled and so rare;
you to be awake, fully present and aware.
heard the question, “Who are you?”, asked again and once more
to search, discover yourself, observe and explore!
LaForest Roberts
day is coming when I fly off” says Rumi.
I don’t know when that is for me, but like Rumi it will be a place that I
recognize because I’ve been there
before. As T.S. Elliot said, “We shall not cease from exploration, and
the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the
place for the first time.”
next Sunday,
part and merry meet again;
Mama Michelle
Good Read... As Usual ;-)
ReplyDeleteDo you believe in reincarnation? I ask this because in reading and reflecting on your post, it was revealed to me to ask - could your restlessness be caused by some unfinished business in another life? Do you think that your soul is longing to revisit or connect to your previous ‘self’?
ReplyDeleteI asked this because the older I become the more I seem to experience deja vu. Quite often now sights or smells frequently cause flashbacks; unfamiliar things, for a brief moment, feels familiar.
I wonder, as we approach our time of transitioning, if these things are occurring in both of us because our souls are readying themselves to return to our original untethered state and our past is melding with the present? Just saying...
I do believe in reincarnation and I have had a reading about some past lives. I've been told what to do to correct some things and I will do so. On the other note, I don't feel as if I'm transitioning soon. More work to do!
ReplyDeleteIn the words of the great V. M. Brown - "I ain't praying to live long or die soon." All I'm saying is we are - from birth - transitioning.