Sunday, January 4, 2015

Richmond, VA

Merry meet friends!
Michelle here, bringing lots of love and light!

"And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." - Meister Eckhart

Welcome to the New Year!  Intuitively I have been feeling that 2015 will be/is an extremely powerful year; full of mystery, wonder, manifestation and fulfillment.  Maybe it's because it is an 8 year; 8 being the number of new beginnings.  Whatever the reason I feel this way, I feel this way.  That's why the above quote from the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary daily affirmations resonated with me.  Something magical is taking place!  It's in the air and it's definitely in me.  From what I've read and heard, I am not the only one to feel this way.  It seems to be what the Collective Consciousness is feeling also.

So what new something am I starting?  Even though I'm not clear on all of the details, I know that I am stepping into my destiny this year.  I'm not waiting for anything to fall into my lap.  "If it's to be, it's up to me."  Through prayer and meditation, I am listening intently to what Spirit is saying.  One way that has aided me in becoming more grounded is Dana Baily's, Earth Medicine Online Experiential.  I created my working altar due to this group and I sit before it each morning to listen for Spirit's guidance.  This group works at its own pace.  I am happy for that, because with the holidays and children visiting, it became a little difficult to do some of the meditations.  I am all over it now!

God/Goddess/All That Is has a plan for each of us.  We are all called, in our own unique way, to aid in the awakening of humanity.  In the natural, we awaken differently; some awaken slowly, some jump out of bed quickly, some have to be coaxed, some go back to sleep, some need an alarm, some awaken naturally.  It is the same spiritually.  We wake up when we wake up.  Sometimes, we know what it is we are to do when we awaken, but we choose, for whatever reason, not to do it.  I believe most of the time it's fear that keeps us from "doing".  Fear of failure, fear of succeeding, fear of looking foolish, are all fears that keep us bound.  Look at Noah, I am sure he felt foolish building that ark amid all the taunts, but he kept doing what he believed he heard to do.  It doesn't matter if the story is an allegory or actually happened, there is a lesson.

Fear has kept me from being the person I was born to be.  Fear of thinking that I wasn't enough or that I had nothing new to say.  We are all always enough!  Whether the content of what we say has been heard before or not, it has not been heard with our voices.  My reason for being, is to empower women; perhaps because I needed to be empowered.  I know the false insecurities and inadequacies that plaque women, especially when there is someone constantly reminding us of them.  Sometimes that someone is our own voice.  Sometimes the "devil" (ego) sits on the throne (mind) in the temple (You) calling itself GOD.  It tells you that you can't do anything and that is a lie!  We can do ALL things through the Christ consciousness that resides in us. 

I have written poetry for years, and for years I have been afraid to attempt to have them published.  I was afraid of the rejection.  I have learned that a rejection does not mean that I or my work is unworthy.  It means it was not for that time or that person.  If Spirit has given you a gift, please use it. please!  Don't waste it being afraid.  Take a chance on life and LIVE!  So I have shared some of my poems on this blog and whether they were received or not, I shared them.  Sharing one's work is akin to allowing someone to see into your soul.  That's scary to say the least, but if you see into me, it's ok.  Intimacy, openness, authenticity and vulnerability are key words for my life. 

After Thanksgiving I started a Facebook page called Wild Women Gypsies.  I would not have published that page if my daughter, Zakiya, had not encouraged me to do so.  Even then I was in a little fear about inviting people to like it, but I felt the fear and did it anyway, as the book with the title says.  It received a few likes and I was grateful for them.  The night before New Year's Eve, I asked Spirit if publishing the page was really what I was supposed to do.  On NYE I looked at my page and had almost 100 likes!  It now has over 300 and growing.  I was in awe and tears at the way Spirit confirmed.  I wish for this to truly be a community of like minded women who wish to share their "wild" experiences with one another.  I am open to suggestions.

My desire is to teach, inspire and motivate women who are abused, who are homeless, who have had or are fighting illnesses and who are afraid.  I am not afraid to share my story if it helps someone to stop existing and to start living.  I am stepping out in faith to what I believe God/Goddess/All That Is, is saying to me in 2015.  My new "something" is to make this happen.  If I am ridiculed or persecuted for being who I am, then so be it.  I would rather be myself and do what I believe to do, then to be what I am not.  I thank OSIS for this quote on yesterday:
"It is never too late to begin anew.  We must allow our self to be forever recreated.  In fact, this is the only way to live a spiritual life.  Every day, every moment is a doorway into a new possibility.  A deeper communion with the Divine unfolds when we choose to open that door.  It is one thing to know this to be true, it is quite another to experience that ever-deepening communion.  Fall in love with the Mystery. - Ann Mortifee, In Love with the Mystery

Until next Sunday,
Merry part and merry meet again,
Blessed be,
Gypsi Mama Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year and what a good year this will be. I just experienced the best New Year’s Eve ever standing on the balcony, watching the fireworks as different colored tinseled confetti rained down all around us. People were shouting happy new year, horns were blowing, and the lapping waves of the ocean provided background noise to remind us that He/She/It is ever present.

    As of that moment I, too, got validation that 2015 is going to be awesome. This year can be summed up for me in the words of Anais Nin - “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” To that I say buckle your seat belts and stay tuned...
